Is There Grit in Your Sludge?
by George E. Wilson, (M.ASCE), Pres.; Eutek Systems, Carmichael, Calif.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1985, Vol. 55, Issue 4, Pg. 61-63
Document Type: Feature article
Getting the grit out of municipal sludge can lower the total cost of operating a wastewater plant. Grit escalates maintenance costs and abrasive-laden sludge is costly to dispose of. Because conventional grit control systems remove only abrasives larger than 200-300 microns sand, 90-95% of the abrasives that enter a wastewater plant end up in the sludge. A new system can now eliminate all abrasives, reducing dry solids by 25% and O&M costs for sludge treatment more than 50%. The new unit is based on free vortex accelerated boundary layer grit collection and classification. It imposes an acceleration field within a boundary layer on settleable particles contained in wastewater, separating particles of different densities that have the same settling velocity in water.
Subject Headings: Sludge | Erosion | Particle velocity | Benefit cost ratios | Wastewater treatment plants | Wastewater management | Municipal wastewater
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