Proportional Weirs for Stormwater Pond Outlets
by Arne Sandvik, (M.ASCE), Consulting Engr.; EGC-Southwell, Inc., Englewood, Colo.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1985, Vol. 55, Issue 3, Pg. 54-56
Document Type: Feature article
Many jurisdictions mandate that new developments must not cause runoff to flow downstream, during and after rainfalls, at rates higher than preconstruction. A common for controlling runoff is the stormwater detention pond. Downstream flooding potential may be further reduced by adopting the more sophisticated outlet, the proportional weir. It reduces peak flows in storms of intensities between those for which conventional, alternative outlets are designed.
Subject Headings: Weirs | Stormwater management | Runoff | Retention basins | Storms | Rainfall-runoff relationships | Peak flow
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