Desin Control for Nuclear Power Plant Modifications

by Donald E. McLellan, Stone & Webster Engineering, Corp, Boston, MA, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Structural Engineering in Nuclear Facilities


Modifications to operating nuclar power plants which impact structural components must be performed in a manner that is consistent with the licensing basis and technical specifications for each plant. To meet these requirements, the utility, or engineer/constructor acting on behalf of the utility, should have and implement a well-planned and integrated design control program. Before modifying existing plants, the design base must be established and updated to meet current licensing commitments. This is done through a configuration management system. The plant modification can then be implemented using the Design Change Package (DCP) concept. This package provides all necessary information for a complete review of operational and safety implications of the modification, and presents the engineering and procedural steps to allow modifications to be implemented safely and economically. Upon implementation of a modification, existing station documents must be updated to reflect the change. A design change control program allows plant modifications to be made in an economically, orderly, and controlled manner.

Subject Headings: Power plants | Systems management | Structural design | Nuclear power | Structural control | Licensure and certification | Utilities

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