Sewers: Repairing Beats Replacing

by Allen Morrison, Asst. Ed.; Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE World Headquarters, 345 East 47th Street, New York City, NY.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1983, Vol. 53, Issue 9, Pg. 60-64

Document Type: Feature article


Rehabilitating decaying sewers can be up to 70% less costly than replacing them. Yet most sewerage agencies wait until a pipe collapses before taking action, necessitating expensive emergency repairs. As many as 26 methods of rehabilitating sewer lines now exist, virtually all of them developed within the past 20 years. This article describes the basic types of repair techniques now in use, including chemical grouting, coating systems, liners, and point repairs. The article also reviews past attempts, under the EPA Construction Grants program, to reduce infiltration and inflow to sewer systems, which met with widespread failure. The reasons for this failure are discussed, along with suggestions for more effective infiltration/inflow reduction based on preventive, structural maintenance.

Subject Headings: Sewers | Rehabilitation | Infiltration | Failure analysis | Chemical grouting | Structural failures | Pipes

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