The Three Point Resection: An Alternate Method
by Roy H. King, Consulting Engr.; 1446 Call Way, Corona, Calif. 91720,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1983, Vol. 53, Issue 4, Pg. 67-68
Document Type: Feature article
When doing stadia or topographic surveying, it is not always economical or practical to establish the location of the transit or plane table via a field traverse. If three points of known location are visible, however, the transit location can be established by measuring the angles between the three visible points, and through the use of trigonometric principles calculating the transit location. An alternate and perhaps simplified method of making the geometric calculation is derived.
Subject Headings: Topographic surveys | Surveys (non-geomatic) | Surveying methods | Geometrics | Geodetic surveys | Economic factors
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