CE Interview: John Hernandez (Part II)

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1982, Vol. 52, Issue 12, Pg. 46-49

Document Type: Feature article


Since the Reagan administration took over the Environmental Protection Agency in 1981, there have been few decisions that have not stirred controversy. In the second part of an interview with Deputy Administrator John Hernandez more of the regulatory changes he has helped make at EPA are discussed. Topics include: Reform of the Construction Grants program; EPA's declining research and development spending; the agency's drinking water regulations; ocean dumping of sludge; and hazardous waste disposal. (The first part of this interview appears in the September, 1982 issue of Civil Engineering�ASCE.)

Subject Headings: Construction wastes | Waste disposal | Sludge | Risk management | Research and development | Ocean engineering | Laws and regulations

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