How Well do P.E. Exams Relate to the Real World? NCEE Tries to Find Out

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1982, Vol. 52, Issue 1, Pg. 62-64

Document Type: Feature article


The National Council of Engineering Examiners (NCEE), the group which furnishes a standard liscensing exam for professional engineers used by almost every U.S. jurisdiction, has surveyed some 5,000 registered engineers in all fields to find out what tasks they perform in their practice. The survey is part of NCEE's effort to affirm the validity of its engineering exams. Survey results are now being compared to the exam contents to make sure that the exams reflect all the requirements for minimum competence. The article describes the survey, how it was conducted and how it will be correlated with the exams. Tables present some of the data collected, including the list of 45 tasks identified as entry-level in the practice of civil engineering.

Subject Headings: Surveys (non-geomatic) | Professional development | Jurisdiction | Data collection | Computing in civil engineering

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