Major Changes Ahead in the Nation's Water Cleanup Program

by Eugene E. Dallaire, Assoc. Ed.; Civil Engineering Magazine, New York, NY 10017,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1981, Vol. 51, Issue 12, Pg. 50-53

Document Type: Feature article


The federal budget squeeze is about to bring some sweeping changes in the nation's water clean-up program. The federal construction grants program will very likely be phased out by 1990. Between now and then, Congress won't likely authorize more than $2.4 billion/yr. More and more, water programs will be turned over from EPA to the states. If the country's streams are to be cleaned up, local communities will now have to foot the bill for new municipal and pollution-abatement facilities. They will have to become self-reliant�� rather than continue to be dependent on the federal government. The future will likely see, more flexible water quality standards, a more flexible definition of secondary treatment, and much more emphasis on cost vs. benefits for proposed wastewater treatment projects.

Subject Headings: Water quality | Federal government | Water treatment | Water pollution | Wastewater treatment | Terminology and definition | Standards and codes

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