Concrete-pavement Recycling could Slash Rehab Costs 30%

by Eugene E. Dallaire, Assoc. Ed.; Civil Engineering Magazine, New York, NY 10017,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1981, Vol. 51, Issue 11, Pg. 73-74

Document Type: Feature article


During the past few years, the recycling of highway pavements, especially asphalt pavements, has been in the news. Yet one promising development has drawn little attention: the recycling of concrete pavements. Recycling a concrete pavement merely means breaking up the old pavement and putting through a crusher. The resulting particles of concrete are then used as aggregate. This recycled aggregate can then be used to improve the soil beneathe a roadway, to construct the subbase a roadway pavement lies on, or build the new concrete pavement itself. At will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, the old 12-in thick concrete apron was recycled to make new concrete, yielding a cost savings of 30%. As this and other case histories in the article make clear, recycling can be cost-effective, especially where disposing of the old concrete would be troublesome of where sources of fresh aggregate are distant from the construction site.

Subject Headings: Concrete pavements | Recycling | Concrete | Highways and roads | Asphalt pavements | Aggregates | Construction sites

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