Miami Riot�Will a Phoenix Rise from Ashes�

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1980, Vol. 50, Issue 8, Pg. 76-78

Document Type: Feature article


In May, inner-city black residents of Miami, Florida, looted and burned about 300 buildings in their neighborhoods. The cause is detailed�their perception that the judicial system was working injustices on them. Significantly, they did not burn black-owned businesses, only white-owned. The blacks feel disenfranchised from the American system. A civil engineering professor at the University of Miami is one leader to addressing the Miami problem�he is trying to foster construction of black-owned condominium apartments and businesses on a 4-acre tract on which stood the largest building burned during the riot.

Subject Headings: Residential buildings | Urban areas | Residential location | Faculty | Engineering firms | Engineering education | Commercial construction | United States | Miami | Florida | Phoenix | Arizona

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