The New Energy Boom: Hydropower

by Ann E. Seltz-Petrash, Asst. Editor; CIVIL ENGINEERING�ASCE, New York, N.Y.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1980, Vol. 50, Issue 4, Pg. 66-71

Document Type: Feature article


Based on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers estimate, there are 49,500 dams in the U.S. that could produce around 9,000 MW of power. The government has been subsidizing demonstration projects and is now subsidizing feasibility studies for sites that once produced power but no longer do. This article is an overview of the problems of hydropower development: red-tape, lack of market, government programs and projects currently being developed by the private sector. Two sidebars list many case histories including power produced by a water supply district, from irrigation canals and from old dams in New England.

Subject Headings: Hydro power | Project management | Government | Feasibility studies | Dams | Case studies | Water supply

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