Public Engineers�Why the Least Happy Category of Civil Engineers�

by Kneeland A. Godfrey, Jr., (M.ASCE), Editor; Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE World Headquarters, 345 East 47th Street, New York City, NY.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1980, Vol. 50, Issue 3, Pg. 86-92

Document Type: Feature article


Civil engineers in government, city, county, state and federal, and especially the first three, seem to be the group of ASCE members who are least happy. Reasons why include lower pay especially outside federal government and perhaps lesser public and professional esteem for their work. This article includes: (1)Highlights of ASCE member survey concerning job satisfaction and attitudes toward collective bargaining; (2)description of new federal Office of Personnel Management, designed to boost productivity and provide rewards for good performance of federal personnel; (3)impressions of the financial situation of local governments in California and its impact on public works and public personnel; and (4)the stories of two public works directors�of New Castle County, Delaware, and the city of Inglewood, California�whose approach to personnel management has won bravos.

Subject Headings: Federal government | Personnel management | Financial management | Professional societies | Management methods | Local government | Urban areas

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