List of Sources and Reference Material on Pipeline Design

Task Committee on Pipeline Design Bibliography

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-327-9 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-327-0 (ISBN-10), 1980, Soft Cover, Pg. 57

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book


Sources of information and reference material on pipeline design are listed. The bibliography is compiled for engineers with limited experience in the pipeline field, and the references were selected to provide an introduction to the field and to lead to further research. The bibliography is divided into two parts. The first part lists libraries, industry associations, government agencies and professional and technical organizations where pipeline design information may be obtained. The second lists articles and books alphabetically author, with a number or numbers following the citation. These numbers link each publication with its area of concern: general design, hydraulics, pipe coatings and linings, pipe materials, structural design, miscellaneous design topics (acoustics, thermal), and fluids transported (gas, petroleum, water). Citations include author, title, pubisher, date and page. This publication is the report of the task committee on pipeline design bibliography of the Committee on pipeline planning of the ASCE Pipeline Division.

Subject Headings: Pipe materials | Structural design | Pipeline materials | Pipeline design | Hydraulic design | Bibliographies | Publications


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