Computer and Physical Modeling in Hydraulic Engineering

by George Ashton,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-252-4 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-252-5 (ISBN-10), 1980, Soft Cover, Pg. 500

Conference information: Specialty Conference on Computer and Physical Modeling in Hydraulic Engineering | Chicago, Illinois, United States | August 6-8, 1980

Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book - Proceedings


Thirty-two papers presented at a conference on computers and physical modeling in hydraulic engineering are included. Types of modeling are explored for thermal discharges, sediment transport, groundwater, non-uniform flow, pollution, and hydrological modeling. Scale effects are reviewed, and papers on a consistent vortex scaling law and on buoyant jet behavior are presented. Special attention is given to hydraulic structures (small hydrosites, port valve development, perforated plates), and to numerical analysis of open channels flows. Water distribution systems are examined, and six papers focus on computer modeling and physical modeling. The conference was sponsored by the ASCE Hydraulics Division. Extensive graphs, charts, figures and equations accompany most papers, and the water bodies covered include ponds, creeks, rivers and dam sites.

Subject Headings: Computer models | Physical models | Hydraulic models | Hydraulic engineering | Thermal pollution | Thermal analysis | Hydrologic models


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