Repair and Strengthening of Old Steel Truss Bridges
byTask Committee on Strength of Old Truss Bridges of the Working Committee on Safety of Bridges under the Technical Committee on Structural Safety and Reliability, ASCE
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-196-1 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-196-0 (ISBN-10), 1979, Soft Cover, Pg. 141
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.
Document Type: Book
During the early 1900's, numerous pin jointed steel bridge trusses were constructed throughout the United States. In the intervening years, these trusses were replaced by major structures in the metropolitan area. However, in the rural areas, these bridges still remain and are functional, despite the increased traffic volumes. The Federal Highway Administration reports that nationally, there are 6900 bridges that are classified as being structurally deficient and 26,600 functionally obsolete. The highway engineer therefore, is faced with the problem of maintaining and upgrading these structures, as the cost of replacement as a group would be excessive. Descriptions of truss bridges are given and include information on floor systems, truss elements, bearings, and critical members. Inspection procedures are reviewed. Analytical procedures for the rating of trusses, field test rating evaluation, and analysis data for rating are presented. Techniques are also presented for improving bridge behavior by strengthening or widening the bridge, or repair of bent or elongated members.
Subject Headings: Trusses | Steel bridges | Maintenance and operation | Bridge management | Truss bridges | Ratings | Structural strength | United States
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