U.S. Energy Production�We Must Remove These Roadblocks

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1979, Vol. 49, Issue 12, Pg. 66-70

Document Type: Feature article


A U.S. energy policy statement has been prepared by the Association for the Cooperation in Engineering, which represents 22 engineering societies with memberships totaling 700,000. One key premise of the statement is that we need to slash through the many unnecessary impediments to extracting fuels, generating electricity, providing energy to users. Among other suggestions: Government incentives for cleaner coals. Government encouragement rather than discouragement for developing oil and gas in frontier areas (where more than three-fourths of our potential sources are). Since nuclear power is our safest, least polluting and most reliable source of electric energy (believe it or not, it's true), its use should be encouraged and not discouraged. The powerplant licensing process should be reformed�earlier public involvement, plus streamlining of permitting process.

Subject Headings: Electric power | Nuclear power | Highway engineering | Government | Energy engineering | Public opinion and participation | Power plants

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