Construction Risk: Who Pays�

by Virginia Fairweather, Editor; ASCE News, New York, N.Y.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1979, Vol. 49, Issue 4, Pg. 64-67

Document Type: Feature article


A report is given on the January 1979 Construction Risk and Liability Sharing Conference sponsored by ASCE's Construction Division Committees on Contract Administration and on Tunneling and Underground Construction. Among the issues discussed were the need for contract document changes, especially for escalation clauses and for changed conditions provisions. The effect of inflation and of third-party delays were major themes at the conference as was the precept that the owner and the public pay in the end for construction delays. Full disclosure of site conditions was called for; the merits of arbitration and value engineering and wrap-up insurance argued for this. The article includes case histories on the extensive litigation over New York's Third Water Tunnel, on the delays at the Seabrook, New Hampshire, nuclear power plant construction, on an MIT experiment on quantifying construction risk and on a Baltimore, Maryland, tunnel innovation.

Subject Headings: Underground construction | Construction management | Value engineering | Tunnels | Power plants | Hydro power | Case studies

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