A Report From the Executive Director: Society Dues to Rise Next Year

by Eugene Zwoyer, (F.ASCE), Exec. Director; American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1977, Vol. 47, Issue 8, Pg. 51-52

Document Type: Feature article


The Board of Direction at its spring meeting in Dallas, Tex., voted to increase dues in all member grades, to be effective January 1, 1978. Dues will then be as follows: Fellows, $70; Members, $60; Associate Members, $35; Associate Members after the first seven years, $60; and Affiliates, $60. For members who are foreign nationals residing outside of Mexico, Canada and the U.S., dues are lower: Fellows and Members, $50; Associate Members, $25; Associate Members after seven years, $40; and Affiliates, $50. Coupling the achievement of ASCE goals with the maintenance of ongoing activities and operations, the Board decided that a dues increase in 1978 could not be avoided. Figures from earlier budgets (and an approximation of the next one) detailed how the member's dues are spent. Also given are some of the particular advantages inherent in ASCE membership; e.g., ASCE is currently the only professional engineering society that serves its members in three important areas: technical, professional and publication services. One other aspect of the Society budget is that the ratio of headquarters staff to number of members is 1.5 per 1,000 members, the lowest of any comparable society.

Subject Headings: Professional societies | Budgets | Publications | Professional practice | Maintenance and operation | Engineering profession | Developing countries

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