ASCE Sharpens Committee Management

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1977, Vol. 47, Issue 6, Pg. 52-55

Document Type: Feature article


With some 500 committees and $500,000 a year spent on committee travel, ASCE has a management challenge. To avoid waste and boost performance of committees, recently the Society asked all committees to adopt management by objectives (MBO). That is, yearly action goals and priorities for each committee. Also being tried this ASCE year are charges by President Walker; that is, based on input from committee members, Board, staff and his own observations, Walker charged each of the top-level committees with giving top priority to tasks thought most important. Here is a multi-part article telling basics of MBO; reactions of some committees to MBO and charges; how two other societies boosted productivity; how NYC Highway Dept. uses MBO; how ASCE Environmental Engineering Division reorganized and boosted productivity.

Subject Headings: Professional societies | Waste management | Highway engineering | Environmental engineering

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