Hydrographic Surveying Turns to Electronics
by Roney A. Heinz, (A.M.ASCE), Asst. Editor; CIVIL ENGINEERING�ASCE, New York, N.Y.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1977, Vol. 47, Issue 4, Pg. 62-64
Document Type: Feature article
Traditional technique for measuring water depth is to use a lead-weighted line. The tag line, stretched along the water surface so soundings are made in orderly fashion, can be dangerous. Such techniques are being replaced. Now, electronic devices can be used to make both the horizontal measurements (in air) and the vertical (through water). To improve stability of the boat in which the surveying crew operates, multi-hull boats and air-cushion craft are being used or considered. Types of horizontal positioning hardware�including microwave and radar�are described, as are types of water depth measuring gear (among them acoustical, aerial photography, satellite imagery, side-scan sonar, and sub-bottom profiling).
Subject Headings: Small craft | Aerial photography | Water surface | Radar | Microwaves | Hydrographs | Hydrographic surveys
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