Flow Equalization�Plus for Wastewater Treatment Plants

by Virginia Fairweather, Asst. Editor; Civil Engineering, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1975, Vol. 45, Issue 9, Pg. 66-68

Document Type: Feature article


Flow equalization is important in maintaining optimum level performance in chemical water treatment plants. One way to do this is to build storage tanks upstream to regulate flow instead of trying to treat variations caused by daily peaks and off-hours, or in the long runs, the variations caused by heavy rains or other weather conditions. Two demonstration projects are considered, both funded at least in part by the EPA and final reports are forthcoming. Preliminary findings seem to indicate much better performance in tertiary plants with flow equalization. Another plus: less power is needed when pumps operate at a steady if slower rate.

Subject Headings: Water treatment plants | Wastewater treatment plants | Chemical treatment | Storage tanks | Water storage | Water chemistry | Rivers and streams

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