The Professional Engineer Half a Century Hence

by Alfred C. Ingersoll, (F.ASCE), Associate Dean for Continuing Education; School of Engineering and Applied Science, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Calif.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1975, Vol. 45, Issue 3, Pg. 74-76

Document Type: Feature article


What will the world of the engineer look like a half century hence? Planet Earth will still be alive, though twice as crowded as Most of the world's people will be very poor by U.S. standards, and many will be permanently hungry. The professional engineer in North America will live in an intensely political environment, working with other professionals on the solution of society's problems. Then, as now, these problems will be to improve the quality of life of all peoples, and doing it on a self-sustaining, self-renewing basis for the long, long voyage of Spaceship Earth.

Subject Headings: Professional development | Political factors | Planets | Aircraft and spacecraft

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