The Making of Minority Engineers
In order to increase the number of minority engineers, argues a leading educator and counselor of minority students, students must be better prepared to cope with the unfamiliar world...

The Personalized System of Instruction: Death Knell for the Lecture�
In most universities, teaching methods have not changed substantially since the invention of the printing press 500 years ago. Yet in recent years, some engineering schools have shown...

Underground Buildings Save Energy
While properly designed underground buildings use less energy for heating and cooling, that's not always the reason they're underground. For example, San Francisco's...

Special Projects Strengthen CE Student Development
Some remarkable accomplishments are being racked up by ASCE's Student Chapters and Clubs across the U.S. Among last year's programs, here are some of the more...

Education in Civil Engineering: Boost Professional Orientation�
ASCE held a Conference on Civil Engineering Education at Madison, Wisc., in April 1979, and these three items seemed to be among those generating most interest: (1)Professional Schools...

Teaching Professionalism and Ethics
Controversies surrounding the meaning of the term professionalism are examined, as well as the influence of these controversies on what should be taught to engineers in courses on professionalism....

Minority Role Models
One reason there are so few minorities in engineering is because they have so few role models. It is difficult for today's young minority engineer�who may feel all alone....

Site Characterization & Exploration
Proceedings of the specialty workshop held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, June 12-14, 1978. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Site Characterization...

ASCE Ethics Code: Guide Beyond the Profession
ASCE action to amend its Code of Ethics is a worthy response to the growing need for recognizing that professional integrity and high standards of good conduct are important. The author...

Hydraulics in the Coastal Zone
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, held in Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, August 10-12, 1977. Sponsored by Hydraulics Division...

College Admissions for Engineering and Technology
College admissions in general, and entry into programs of engineering and technology have always been less than fully understood processes. By considering the process from the students'...

Unemployment, Public Works, and the 1976 Presidential Election Campaign
Unemployment remains near 8% despite recovery from the recent recession. One key reason is the exceptionally large number of women and youth seeking jobs. Those having most difficulty...

Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geo-mechanics held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, June, 1976....

Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Environmental Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage, held at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, July 21-23, 1976. Sponsored by ASCE, Irrigation...

Canadian University to Launch Building-Engineering Program
To meet the practical needs of the building industry, Sir George Williams University (Montreal) plans to launch this fall a building-engineering program. The new curriculum is expected...

University of Wisconsin: A Success Story in Continuing Engineering Education
Each year, five times as many civil engineering practioners take short courses offered by the University of Wisconsin's Engineering Extension (WEX) as at any other school....

Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering
Proceedings of the Conference on Analysis and Design in Geotechnical Engineering held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, June 9-12, 1974. Sponsored by the University of Texas College...

Transportation Facilities Workshop
Passenger, Freight and Parking
Proceedings of the Transportation Facilities Workshop, held at Carnegie-Mellon University, New York, New York, May 22-24, 1974. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers Urban...

Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures held at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, June 11-14, 1972. Sponsored by the School...

New Horizons in Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Rock Mechanics held at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, June 11-14, 1972. Sponsored by the U.S. National Committee...





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