Proposed Pier Scour Procedure for Rock Formations

Sizing Loose Dumped Rock Riprap: A Probability-Based Approach

Equivalencing Rock Riprap and Gabions for Stream Channel Protection

Rock Riprap for Grade Control

Banking on Bioengineering
Geoenvironmental engineers have traditionally used riprap to protect streambanks and river banks from erosion. In recent years, however, river regulators, permitting agencies, and county...

Scaling the Monument
One of the three phases in the restoration of the Washington Monument was the design and construction of an aluminum scaffolding system with both functional and aesthetic purposes. The...

Geologic and Geotechnical Considerations for Pressure Tunnel Design

Seismic Measurements to Investigate Disturbed Rock Zones

TDR Monitoring of Overburden Deformation to Verify Modeled Behavior

Pressure Tunnels in Fractured Rock: Minimum Cover Criteria from the Stability of Rock Wedges

Stability Analyses of Underground Openings Using a Multiaxial Failure Criterion

Tunnel Support Design with Finite Element Analysis

Design and Performance of Large Tunnel Constructed in Saprolite

Expected Performance of Thermal Stress Relief Elements for Ground Support at the Yucca Mountain Repository

Rock Grouting: Contemporary Concepts in Materials, Methods, and Verification

Adding Realism to the Planning Rock Tunnel Boring Machine Projects

Early Warning System
The Rock Hazard Rating System (RHRS) can help highway owners mitigate the risks of rock slope failure. This system helps owners determine which slopes are most hazardous and should be...

Probabilistic Analysis of Fort Pierce Beach Recession with Hardbottom Features

Earthquake-Induced Rock Fall and Slide Hazard along U.S. Highway 97 and Oregon Highway 140 near Klamath Falls, Oregon

Characterization of Saprolite Heterogeneities Using Innovative Techniques





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