Implementation of Storm Water Management Programs in the California Land Development Process
One of the most powerful and encompassing tools for introducing storm water management programs to land development is through California's general plan process. California cities and...

Lead is a Four-Letter Word
New regulations and strict enforcement make it difficult and expensive to remove lead-laden coatings from steel structures. Lead-based primers and paints are not considered hazardous as...

Reducing the Potential Downstream Impacts of a Dam Failure
The dam safety regulations imposed by the individual states in the United States vary widely and provide inconsistent protection for the citizens of different states. The proximity of...

Current Legal Issues in Sedimentation
This paper represents the updating of Chapter 7 for Manual 54. There has been considerable change in legal rulings and precedent law since the first edition of Manual 54. Many of these...

Protecting the Boca Raton Outfall Before and After Hurricane Andrew
A critical factor for the success of an ocean outfall is its ability to remain intact and functional for many decades of service, despite extreme episodes of wave attack and beach erosion....

Storm Water Regulations?Aircraft Deicer/Anti-icers Operations
In 1991, FAA has initiated a storm water program to assist airport operators in complying the EPA Storm Water NPDES regulations. The first FAA project, a survey, addresses present operational...

Implications of ISTEA on the Implementation of APMs
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, approved 372-47 in the House and 79-8 in the Senate, is a landmark legislation in the area of transportation. Through...

Keller Canyon Fills a Need
Opening a new landfill site in California can be an onerous task. Any owner willing to try must work with the state's stringent environmental legislation, profusion of solid...

Geosynthetics Conquer the Landfill Law
Los Angeles' last operating landfill is undergoing a major expansion using innovative materials in the liner system to overcome difficult site conditions. The design represents...

Cleaning Up in the Former Soviet Union
As they negotiate with authorities in Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and other former Soviet Republics, Western companies�including many of the big oil and natural-resources firms�are...

Ethical, Legal and Professional Responsibilities of Engineers to Owners and Contractors
Engineers are under legal, professional, ethical and moral duties to protect owners, contractors and third parties, including the general public against injuries and deaths and economic...

VOCs: The New Effluent
The Clean Air Act of 1990, in addition to many state and local regulations, has officials of publicly-owned treatment works (POTWs) shifting their focus, and funds, to air toxic emissions...

A New Era In Transportation
Its passage into law was about as smooth as a rush-hour traffic jam, but the surprising thing about the new Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) is that it...

Urban Development on Alluvial Fans
An increasing number of developments has been planned in areas subject to flood hazards. To protect developments from flood damage and to prevent accumulated negative effects on floodplains,...

Land Development Regulations: Roadblock to Affordable Housing
Land development regulations in the State of New Jersey have been utilized to control development since the mid-1970's. The demand for affordable housing in the state is reaching a critical...

Affordable Financing?The Crux of Affordable Housing
The improvement of housing affordability through innovation in design and construction has been paid an insufferable amount of lip service by the academics. The fact is that very little...

Ground Water Management in Arkansas
Arkansas has historically enjoyed plentiful water and has typically resolved water conflicts with case by case application of common law. As agricultural, industrial and domestic water...

United States Metrication and the EC 92
Major Congressional legislation adopted in 1988 was related to USA trade and competitiveness problems of the Nation. The legislation contained a section on metrication that required all...

Bulk Commodity Terminals?Planning for the Future Competitive and Environmental Challenges
The demand upon all industries for better protection of the environment is increasing and the regulations and permit requirements are changing rapidly. Bulk commodity terminal operators...

Lunacy, Legerdemain or Levitation: Legal Assessment of the ASCE Model Water Code
The Water Laws Committee of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division established a Model State Water Code Task Committee in 1990 which has the task of preparing a text...





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