Economic Paradigms for Infrastructure Management
A key characteristic which has emerged in infrastructure management system is the use of economic models at the network level (as opposed to project level) to help in evaluating program...

Patterns in the History of the Urban Infrastructure
Infrastructure construction has been marked not only by a cyclical funding pattern but also by occasional shifts in regard to government level of provision. That is, while some infrastructure...

High-Speed Ground Transportation and Transportation Decision-Making: A New Perspective
My remarks this morning address the issues surrounding high-speed ground transportation (HSGT) at the federal level. Specifically, I examine both the traditional and the emerging ways...

What Happened to High Speed Rail in Florida?
This paper presents a critical analysis of the 1980s Florida endeavor to develop by private sector franchise America's first true high speed rail system, its failure, and some lessons...

Shelter from the Storm
Assuming that EPA meets its most recent deadline (Octobet 31, 1993), municipalities (cities and counties) with populations of less than 100,000 that own or operate separate storm-water...

United States National Marine Fisheries Service Role/Contribution in Restoring Coastal Habitats Under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration ACt of 1990
The agency has assembled a diverse team from government, academia, the private sector, and its program staff within the region to develop specific guidelines for identifying and evaluating...

Breakwater Design in the Chesapeake Bay: Dealing with the End Effects
This paper documents various methods for treating the terminal ends of headland breakwater systems. Twelve sites in Chesapeake Bay were selected for study. In selecting design alternatives,...

Coastal America Gulf of Mexico Region Implementation Strategy
The Gulf of Mexico Regional Implementation Team (GMRIT) is composed of Federal and State agency representatives from the five Gulf Coast States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama,...

Pelagic Fisheries of Senegal: State of Stocks, Management Options, Policy Constraints and the Role of Subsidies

Reliability Analysis of Hydropower Equipment

Evaluating Power Benefits for Powerhouse Rehabilitation Studies

Development Options and Opportunities

An environmental impact statement that takes several years to complete can demoralize the staffers behind a transportation project and reduce public support for the effort. In a hurry...

Infrastructure Bill Dies in Senate

Private Financing for Infrastructure
From the United States to Germany and the Third World, financing has replaced the availability of technology and expertise as the main infrastructure problem. Public deficits, resistance...

Bringing Finance to the Table
Advice for companies whose marketing efforts have won them overseas projects�with the condition that they arrange financing for those projects. The competition for the few projects funded...

The Financing Fray
Interview with two executives of the U.S. firm Morrison-Knudsen: Donn Smith, senior vice president of project finance at M-K's International Group, and Richard White, vice...

FY 1994 Funding Report

The Bechtel Edge
The Bechtel Group can commit personnel all over the world to seek out and scrutinize business opportunities, and the firm is usually at the top of Engineering News-Record's...

Federal Public Works Infrastructure R&D
A New Perspective
Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report provides an analysis of the federal role in public works infrastructure research...





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