Professor X

Professor X

Should All Civil Engineering Faculty Have Ph.D.s?

Professional Responsibility of Engineering Taught by Simulation

A Case Study in Educator-Practitioner Interaction

The Status of Minorities and Females in Engineering Education

Educator-Practitioner Interaction at an Urban University

Professional Activities of Civil Engineering Educators

A Human Resource - The Older Professor: How to Use Him Effectively

The Campus Computer
The new Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory (CAE) at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., was established as an adjunct�a supplement�to the faculty and is dedicated to teaching civil engineering,...

Faculty Shortage Continues: A Progress Report Notes Improvements

Integrating CAI in CE Courses at the USAF Academy

Foreign Born Faculties

Engineering School Drives for National Leadership
Engineering programs in many universities are undergoing severe problems of limited space, too few faculty, burgeoning student enrollments, out-of-date laboratory equipment and inadequate...

AAES Submits Proposal for Solving Faculty Shortage

Faculty Deserve Better!

Management Keys: Freedom to Create, Responsibility for Failure
Management policies for inventors and engineers are reviewed in this interview with Professor Dan Pletta, University Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute...

Miami Riot�Will a Phoenix Rise from Ashes�
In May, inner-city black residents of Miami, Florida, looted and burned about 300 buildings in their neighborhoods. The cause is detailed�their perception that the judicial system was...

The Personalized System of Instruction: Death Knell for the Lecture�
In most universities, teaching methods have not changed substantially since the invention of the printing press 500 years ago. Yet in recent years, some engineering schools have shown...

Teaching Professionalism and Ethics
Controversies surrounding the meaning of the term professionalism are examined, as well as the influence of these controversies on what should be taught to engineers in courses on professionalism....





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