Analyzing Drought with a Simplified Climate Model
A simplified climate model with combined atmospheric-hydrologic processes has been developed at the University of California Davis for the study of physical processes related to drought....

Drought in California: When Does It Begin and When Does it End?
California recently endured a six-year period of drought. While the public, media and control agencies like simple definitions to classify water conditions, in a state as large and varied...

Managing Great Lakes Water Levels: An International Partnership
During this century, the levels of two of the Great Lakes have been regulated; Lake Superior since 1921 and Lake Ontario since 1960. The regulation is directed by the International Joint...

At-A-Station Temporal Variations in Flow under Drought and Flood Conditions and Associated Sediment Problems
The way flow variations take place with time under drought and flood conditions, in comparison with normal flow condition, has been investigated along with the related sediment transport...

Adapting Water Resources of the Canadian Prairies under the impact of Climatic Warming
Given that future droughts could become more frequent and more severe because of climatic warming, this paper discusses some strategies to manage and to develop the water resources of...

Modeling the Impact of Sea Level Rise in Delaware Bay
A three-dimensional model of the Delaware Bay has been employed to provide insight on the impact of a 1.0 ft (0.304 in) sea level rise on salinity conditions in Delaware Bay. Model results...

Implementing a Successful Conjunctive Use Program
Over the past decade, water planners have come to the agreement that conjunctive use is a good strategy to help meet present and ftiture water needs. Storing water underground has many...

First Interactive Drought Atlas Released

Polyethylene Piping Eases Drought

Managing Water Supplies During Drought, The Search for Triggers

Practicing for Droughts, Guidelines for Virtual Drought Exercise

Impacts of Potential Water Use Restrictions on Row-Crop Irrigation in the ACF Basin

Borehole Recharge - A Drought Management Strategy in N. London, UK

Ralegan Sindi watershed a Case Study of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water

A Drought Bivariate Extreme Value Model

Development of a Drought Warning System for Indiana

Flodro: A User Friendly Personal Computer Package

Southern Africa Regional Water Sector Assessment for U.S. Agency for International Development

Anatomy of the Extraordinary Drought at the United States-Mexico Border

Try Xeriscaping to Escape Droughts





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