The Flows of Suspended Sandy Material Along the Section of Bulgarian Coast
Combining of available models of elementary hydro- and lithodynamic processes in a single calculation scheme permits to evaluate the volumes of detrital material transported either way...

About Some Dynamic Conditions of the Beach Sedimentary Strata Formation on the Bulgarian Sandy Coast of the Black Sea
Based on detailed studying of the beach sedimentary sequence composition in sections of perpendicular trenches in the western (Bulgarian) coast of the Black sea and comparison with results...

State-of-the-Art and Dynamic of Some Beaches of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
The considerable decrease of the solid flow off in the sea coastal zone and the intensification of the abrasion impact on the shore determined the increase of the coastal protection activity...

Bulgarian Coastal Management
This paper responds to the call of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development for sustainable and economically-sound development and use of the world's natural resources....





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