Beach Sand Budget for Western Puerto Rico

Evolution of Sediment Budgets in the Lee of a Detached Breakwater

A Sediment Budget for a Relocated Tidal Inlet

The $1 Trillion Budget

Public Works Budget: Guns or Butter?

Addressing the Risks of Computer Model Misuse
The proliferation of relatively inexpensive small computers, and accompanying transportation-oriented software, has brought many capabilities to transportation agencies previously unavailable...

Pfrang Warns Congress on Ramifications of Cutting NBS Budget

Planning and Budgets in the Construction Industry
In the ever changing and volatile construction industry it is becoming more necessary for the General Contractor and major subcontractors to become businessmen as well as engineers. This...

Contractor, Businessman
The management side of running a construction firm is as important to its survival and growth as the technical activities. This article tells how a Cincinnati geotechnical contractor,...

Capital Budgeting in Local Governments: A Process for Incorporating Social and Environmental Values in Water Resource Projects?

87 Budget: Winners and Losers

Hydrologic Simulation for Reservoir Development
Potential changes in the Manasquan River basin hydrologic budget were assessed with the Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran (HSPF). The HSPF results were used to assess the reliability...

Experiences with Rapid Computerization in Educational Institutions
Rapid computerization in educational institutions, such as establishment of departmental computer facilities, requires realistic planning to implement and incorporate the new capabilities...

Budget Woes May Tax Highway Trust Fund

NSF Budget Battle

The Introduction of Modern Technology into a University Civil Engineering Program on a Limited Budget

Legislating for Infrastructure Investment
It is apparent that today's infrastructure problems require innovative solutions reflecting national spending trends, the size of the federal budget deficit, and individual...

Budget and Schedule Control?The Critical Issues
The increase of activity together with often difficult budgets and schedules in busway and rail transit projects since 1960, has made the processes of project control for these projects...

Keeping Public Transport Projects on Time and on Budget

Joint Use Right-of-Way Agreements for the Miami Metromover System
This paper presents an overview of the right-of-way acquisition process for the Miami automated people mover system (METROMOVER). The cost associated with the acquisition of the necessary...





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