Wave Attenuation at the Mobile Stable Berm
This paper describes work examining the ability of submerged berms to `filter' certain erosive wave energy while allowing accretionary type waves to pass unhindered. Analysis of wave data...

Nearshore Berms: An Evaluation of Prototype Designs
The US Army Corps of Engineers continually seeks new ways to use clean dredged material. In recent years, placement of this material in shallow water to construct nearshore berms has become...

Forecasting Wave Attenuation Performance for Marinas
A methodology is presented for interpreting the performance of a dynamically acting floating attenuator in a field of irregular waves. The analysis explains the physical significance of...

Berm Placement Planning Study at Breton Island, Louisiana
This paper identifies tools that are being utilized to determine the most environmentally beneficial location for a nearshore berm to be constructed at Breton Island, Louisiana. The computer...

Design, Construction, and Performance of a Baffled Breakwater
The Spud Point Marina breakwater is located within Bodega Harbor, a protected embayment on the northern California coast. Waves are attenuated by baffle panels hung between support piles....

Frequency Response of Disordered Periodic Structures
A computational procedure is given for calculating the frequency response of disordered periodic structures based on wave propagation theory. An ideal periodic structure is composed of...

A Laboratory Study of Shock Waves in Frozen Soil
This work has focused on two aspects of dynamic behavior of frozen soil: first, on the shock pressure attenuation, and second, on the shock Hugoniot. The use of long bars of frozen soil...

Computer Simulation of Shore-Normal Variations in Sediment Size
A computer simulation model is presented which is designed to predict the selective shore-normal sorting of grain sizes in the nearshore environment. The model simulates wave shoaling,...

Seismic Ground Motion and Attenuation Relationships
A key element in the assessment of seismic hazard is the estimation of how energy from a given earthquake is affected by crustal structure along the propagation path. There are recognized...

Reliability of Electric Power Transmission Systems in Seismically Active Metropolitan Tokyo: Part 2. Seismic Hazard Analysis
For studying the seismic reliability of a power transmission system of Metropolitan Tokyo, the seismic hazard analysis of Kanto district was performed based on a three dimensionally distributed...

Slips Ahoy
Klancnik discusses the markets for marina construction in the 1990s. The past decade saw a boom in the boating industry and in the design and construction of marinas. The market will remain...





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