Ties to Excellence
The new Exhibition Center London (ExCeL) on the north side of the Royal Victoria Dock in London is just one of many structures altering the Docklands' landscape. The roof...

Delicate Procedure
In 1997 the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), located in downtown Baltimore, began addressing a need for expanded health care facilities within the city. But the existing facilities...

Small Business Report: The Home Advantage
Allowing at least some employees to work from home some of the time can help small businesses improve their ability to hire and retain talented engineers who are demanding flexibility....

Nuclear Shutdown
The lengthy process of decommissioning�and in some cases dismantling�a commercial nuclear power plant is unlike any other project. The few plants that have been decommissioned are providing...

Intermodal Innovation
A future application of magnetic levitation (maglev) technology could provide motorists with an alternative to congested freeways without requiring them to give up their automobiles. One...

Bell's Bridge Rehabilitation
Bell's Bridge carries Tidewater Drive, a major urban arterial in the City of Norfolk, Virginia, over Wayne Creek, a tributary of the Lafayette River. During a routine inspection in 1995,...

Seismic Analysis and Retrofit of the Amoskeag Bridges
In 1983 AASHTO first offered the design guide for seismic analysis of bridges, which ultimately became a permanent part of the AASHTO Bridge Design Manual in 1990. Prior to this time,...

A Guide for Best Management Practice (BMP) Selection in Urban Developed Areas
With the ongoing NPDES Stormwater Permits, TMDL programs, and the increase in environmental awareness, many municipalities are challenged to address the relatively new concept of cleaning...

Piece by Piece
The Lions' Gate Suspension Bridge, a landmark structure in Vancouver, British Columbia, marks the entrance to one of the busiest harbors on the west coast of North America....

Small Firms, Big Dig
The local knowledge and technical expertise found in small engineering firms are often critical to the success of large projects. As one of the most comprehensive design and construction...

Life at the End of the Tunnel
Deadly tunnel fires in Europe have raised new concerns about tunnel fire safety around the world. Modifications to structures, mechanical systems, and operating procedures can make new...

The Pentagon Project
The renovation of the Pentagon, now under way, is one of the most ambitious, complex, and challenging construction undertakings in contemporary history. It entails the equivalent of demolishing...

Fast Forward
Under the aegis of the French government, the Soci�t� Nationale des Chemins de Fer Fran�ais (French National Railway Society), or SNCF, has built two new bridges, each approximately 1,100...

Rethinking Bangkok's Wastewater Strategy
In the past 10 years the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has spent $1 billion developing a major wastewater collection and treatment program for the city of Bangkok. The city is presently...

Foundations and Ground Improvement
This proceedings, Foundations and Ground Improvement, consists of papers presented and accepted for publication for the specialty conference,...

Geotechnical Testing, Observation, and Documentation
A geotechnical report, field and laboratory testing, as well as observation and documentation are all integral parts of most geotechnical projects. A technician is usually dispatched to...

International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section
(Abstract Only) The International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, is responsible for applying the boundary and water treaties between the United States and Mexico....

Preliminary Assessment of Bacteria Abundance in Rivers of the Pantanal Wetlands -- Brazil
Heterothrophic bacteria play an important role in the carbon flux of aquatic environments, specially in flooded areas, where they are considered to be a source of organic matter. They...

Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award and Award of Merit for 2001
The outstanding civil engineering achievement award (OCEA) recognizes civil engineering projects that contribute to community well-being, demonstrate resourcefulness in planning and solving...

A Natural Approach
Before the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan began, the Florida legislature established the Everglades Construction Project (ECP), a $708-million, 10-year program now being implemented...





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