Technician or Manager

by Dennis Randolph, (M.ASCE), Managing Director; Calhoun County Road Commission, Calhoun County, MI,

Part of: Civil Engineering for the Community


After working awhile many engineers want to go back to school, or learn new skills. There are two reasons for this. One is that we perceive training as the key to advancement. Another is we anticipate that knowledge will help us solve many day-to-day work related problems. The difficult question we need to answer then is what should we study, what kind of continuing education program will give us the additional skills we want. Should we follow a technical program? Or should we consider a non-technical or management program? In part, the answer relies on the vision we have set for our life. However, another part of the answer turns on the reality of government service. Rising to the top of an organization is sometimes independent of technical skill!

Subject Headings: Education | Training | Public services | Organizations | Managers


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