Good Clients, Good Procurements, and the Importance of Quality Work

by Rudolph Bonaparte, P.E., Ph.D., (M.ASCE), President, CEO; Geosyntec Consultants, Inc., Atlanta, GA,,

Serial Information: Geo-Strata —Geo Institute of ASCE, 2014, Vol. 15, Issue 2, Pg. 58-63

Document Type: Feature article


This fourth article in the Business of Geotechnics series addresses a number of topics related to engineering and consulting (E&C) firm clients and obtaining work from them. The article addresses: characteristics of good clients; differences between good and bad (from the geoengineer's perspective) procurement processes; how geoengineering organizations sell work; the importance of work quality and client service; and the importance of good contracts.

Subject Headings: Client relationships | Procurement | Consulting services | Organizations | Geotechnical engineering | Engineering firms | Contracts and subcontracts


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