A Sure Ride

by Richard M. Weed, Supervising Statistical Engineer; New Jersey Dept. of Transportation,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1997, Vol. 67, Issue 2, Pg. 57-59

Document Type: Feature article


Are current quality assurance practices resulting in the degree of highway quality that is desired and expected? The resounding no that often answers this question has brought the concern over quality procedures to a head. In 1992, the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and several industry associations joined forces to form a unique partnership called the National Quality Initiative. Under the auspices of the NQI, the National Policy on the Quality of Highways was formulated, with the quality of the highway system cited as one of the keys to national economic competitiveness.

Subject Headings: Highways and roads | Quality control | Industries | Highway transportation | Federal government | Economic factors

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