Living in Space

by Michael Wifall, Eldorado High Sch, Albuquerque, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space IV


Living in space will be the key project for the survival of the human species in the future. The world is becoming more polluted, suffering under the lack of living space, and if people do not do something about it soon the human race will die out. Living in space will solve most of the big problems that this and future generations will face. Solid waste can be controlled in space because it can be sent to the sun to be destroyed. Harmful gases can be filtered out into space where they won't harm anyone. Overpopulation will be solved because space has no restrictions. Having less crowded conditions on the earth will be positive to people's health. A space colony to live in space will be necessary for the future and will improve the lives of the generations to follow.

Subject Headings: Space life support systems | Space colonies | Human and behavioral factors | Waste disposal | Space construction | Solid wastes | Social factors

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