Pitzunda Peninsula Coast Dynamics

by G. A. Saf'yanov, Moscow State Univ, Moscow, Russia,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastlines of the Black Sea


The dynamics of Pitzunda Peninsula during last 100 years is examined in this paper. The process of sediment shift and coastline evolution during last 30 years is considered in detail. It is noted that sedimentary supply to the coast proceeds due to Bzib river sediment discharge and due to coast abrasion. Field experiments have shown that about 46*103 m3 of sediment have been driven to the underwater Bzib canyon during 3 months. On base of petrographic analysis sediment flows of different directions have been ascertained. For all this a segment of sediment flow divergence was observed in the Bzib river mouth. In 1981 river mouth was artificially transferred to the south and this favors the reconstruction of beaches and the strengthening of the coast.

Subject Headings: Sediment | Coastal processes | Rivers and streams | Water discharge | Shores | Sediment transport | Field tests

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