Remote Spent Fuel Handling in France at the La Hague Cask Unloading Facility

by Laurence Baillif, NUSYS, Paris, Italy,
Herv? Harcard, NUSYS, Paris, Italy,
Patrick Ledermann, NUSYS, Paris, Italy,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1993


French policy for the back end of fuel cycle is based on spent fuel reprocessing. Irradiated spent fuels are transferred in casks from the nuclear reactors to the reprocessing plant where casks are discharged in specialized facilities, then stored in pools for 3 years minimum prior to reprocessing. Cask unloading facilities are designed to receive more than 500 casks each year, corresponding approximatively to 1 600 MTU per year. Two unloading facilities are in operation at La Hague: NPH is designed for underwater unloading while TO allows casks dry unloading and remote spent fuel handling operations. The objectives of this paper is to present the cask dry unloading process and remotely controlled spent fuel handling operations in service at TO since 1986.

Subject Headings: Fuels | Nuclear power | Waste treatment plants | Materials processing | Hazardous substances | Building design | Waste disposal | France | Europe

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