A Concept to Combine DOE Waste Minimization Goals with Commercial Utility Needs for a Universal Container System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation, and Disposal

by Frank P. Falci, U.S. Dep of Energy, Washington, United States,
Ken B. Sorenson, U.S. Dep of Energy, Washington, United States,
Marvin L. Smith, U.S. Dep of Energy, Washington, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1993


The concept of storing, transporting, and disposing of spent fuel using a single package, which has obvious advantages, is put forward. It is coupled with using contaminated scrap metal from the complex of the Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) of the DOE. This will help reduce a significant portion of waste that would otherwise need to be packaged, stored and disposed of a low level radioactive waste. The potential material cost savings from manufacturing these containers from what would otherwise be a waste product is evaluated at about $1.5 billion. Obstacles in the regulatory arena have to be overcome, however.

Subject Headings: Radioactive wastes | Waste storage | Waste disposal | Electronic wastes | Utilities | Energy storage | Container shipping

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