Department of Energy Delivery Commitment Schedules for Spent Nuclear Fuel

by Marlies C. Klose, TRW Environmental Safety Systems Inc,
Billy M. Cole, TRW Environmental Safety Systems Inc,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1993


The Delivery Commitment Schedule (DCS) provides Purchasers with the opportunity to inform the Department of Energy (DOE) of their plans for utilizing their allocations of projected spent nuclear fuel (SNF) acceptance capacity. This information will assist DOE in meeting its contractual waste acceptance responsibilities and in developing the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS). 63 months prior to the delivery date, Purchasers submit a DCS(s) to designate: the range of discharge dates of the SNF the Purchaser desires to deliver, the fuel type, the type of transport cask required, the preferred shipping mode, and the particular site from which the Purchaser desires to deliver in the particular delivery year. The actual number of DCSs submitted by a Purchaser may vary according to the number of allocations they have and the number of DCSs they choose to submit for each allocation. Once a Purchaser submits a DCS, DOE will approve or disapprove the DCS within three months of receipt. The approved DCSs are used by DOE to assist in determining the baseline mix of truck and rail transportation casks.

Subject Headings: Fuels | Radioactive wastes | Nuclear power | Waste storage | Waste management | Waste disposal | Recycling

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