Earthquake Considerations in Earth Dam Design

by James L. Sherard, Woodward, Clyde, Sherard and Assoc, Oakland, United States,

Part of: Embankment Dams: James L. Sherard Contributions


In 1963, the writer was engaged by the State of California Department of Water Resources to make a study of the influence of the hazard of earthquakes on the design of embankment type dams. The purpose of the study was to scrutinize the information available to aid the civil engineer in answering the basic question How should earth dams be designed differently in regions of earthqyake activity? This paper summarizes some of the main conclusions of the study.

Subject Headings: Embankment dams | Earthfill dams | Water resources | Seismic design | Earthquakes | Soil mechanics | Geohazards


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