Random Aspect of the Stress Inside Granular Media

by Claude Bacconnet, Univ Blaise Pascal de, Clermont-Ferrand, France,
Roland Gourves, Univ Blaise Pascal de, Clermont-Ferrand, France,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Engineering Mechanics


Micromechanics of granular media arose from the necessity of a better understanding of the relationship between the global behaviour of such materials and the physical phenomena which occur at the level of particles. The approach consists of analyzing the displacements and the transmission of the intergranular forces at the level of the grain or of a relatively limited number of grains. Thus it is possible to establish the link between the idea of stress inside the continuum and the distribution of intergranular forces.

Subject Headings: Granular materials | Material properties | Probability | Micromechanics | Grain (material) | Continuum mechanics | Stress distribution

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