Do Current Practices in Continuing Education Fulfill the Ethical Needs of the Profession and Society?

by Jane L. Tiedeman, No. 1632, 3712 Lamberton Square Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20904,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1990, Vol. 60, Issue 3, Pg. 73-75

Document Type: Feature article


As part of the Code of Ethics of ASCE, it is the responsibility of the engineer to fulfill both the ethical needs of the profession as well as those of society. He or she can accomplish this objective by taking part in any of the current practices in continuing education such as formal coursework, short courses and workshops, on-the-job training, and professional society meetings. However, due to the rapid changes in the engineering field, the need for continuing education has increased and the emphasis placed on continuing education alternatives is also changing. Therefore, practices in continuing education must be evaluated to ensure that they remain sensitive to the needs of engineers and society. To this end, recommendations are made that would serve to adjust current practices to fit today's needs and keep the profession at its highest level of competence.

Subject Headings: Professional societies | Ethics | Engineering education | Education | Professional practice | Training | Standards and codes

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