Calibrating a 2-D Fate and Transport Model of Watts Bar Reservoir

by Russ T. Brown, Tennessee Technological Univ, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Hydraulic Engineering


A branched two-dimensional water quality model has been developed and tested for the Watts Bar Reservoir, including the Clinch River and Emory River embayments. The general stratified flow, mixing, and mass-balance scheme follows previously successful reservoir models. The Watts Bar version is more complex because of the branching flows and the effects of the Kingston Steam Plant intake and discharge. The purpose is to simulate pathways of contaminant transport and organism exposure within the reservoir. The model simulates seasonal patterns of limnological variables using daily inflows.

Subject Headings: Water quality | Reservoirs | Water resources | Water pollution | Two-dimensional models | Contaminant transport | Simulation models

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