Drainage Problems in a Highly-Developed Shoreline Area

by Daniel J. Larkin,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Hydraulic Engineering


Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, is a 42-square mile barrier island on the south-east coast Flooding of roads and properties is a continual problem in this low-lying, flat area due to the absence of any integrated drainage system. Drainage consists mainly of a series of poorly maintained highway ditches, interrupted by a pattern of generally clogged pipes at driveways and intersections. The Town's first step in establishing a municipal stormwater management program has been the completion of a Forest Beach drainage study and preliminary design by a consulting firm with considerable experience in Island projects. Progress is being made towards the establishment of an appropriate entity to fund, construct and manage this necessary public improvement.

Subject Headings: Stormwater management | Islands | Drainage systems | Local government | Gates (hydraulic) | Barrier islands | Rainfall-runoff relationships | South Carolina | United States

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