Deepwell Infiltration in the North-Holland Dune Area

by E. Roosma, Provincial Waterworks of, North-Holland, Netherlands,
A. Stakelbeek, Provincial Waterworks of, North-Holland, Netherlands,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Artificial Recharge of Ground Water


Deep well infiltration now generally is considered the cue for the future extensions of artificial ground water recharge in or outside the dunes. The Provincial Waterworks of North-Holland are constructing a pilot plant with a capacity of 5 million m3/a to prove its reliability and moreover its fitting in the plans for a development as natural as possible of this region. The paper gives the history which leads to this new system of artificial recharge, an overall look of the preliminary investigations and finally an impression of the main issues for the definite engineering.

Subject Headings: Infiltration | Dunes | Artificial recharge | Wells (water) | Water supply systems | Water supply | Groundwater recharge | Netherlands | Europe

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