
by Charles Bowler, Proj. Mgr.; Hayes, Seavly, Mattern & Maldttern, Inc., Rockvlle, MD,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1988, Vol. 58, Issue 6, Pg. 54-56

Document Type: Feature article


Databases can replace both manual methods and specific software packages written for a variety of tasks in the engineering office. The flexibility of a database makes it more useful than a spreadsheet for many applications. Flexibility extends to the amount of data, the types of data elements and the output format. A true database will become a single data source with different output formats for project planning, file storage, accounting and other every day engineering office activity. Use of packaged databases increases productivity by reducing the time required to maintain records and develop internal software packages. Accessibility of data is another advantage of the database. The data are literally at the user's fingertips. Most database software packages are menu driven�users do not need programming experience.

Subject Headings: Databases | Computer software | Spreadsheets | Project management | Information management | Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) | Computing in civil engineering

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