Intelligent Construction Machines for Initial Planetary Shelter Fabrication

by Dr. Charles C. Lozar, Architects Equities, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space


There have been any number of artists panoramas of initial base and habitat construction on other planetary bodies, notably recently the moon. Most of these conceptual drawings assume the presence of men, operating construction equipment to move soil and construct shelters similar in many ways to the ones we occupy on earth. It is the thesis of this paper that human beings are not necessary to preliminary shelter construction, and in fact, exploration shelter construction can be done by automated, intelligent machines, better able to accommodate environmental conditions. These machines could be sent years before humans for site preparation and initial construction. Once the initial habitat is in-place, the spacecraft carrying humans can be launched.

Subject Headings: Construction equipment | Space construction | Protective structures | Automation and robotics | Moon | Human and behavioral factors | Artificial intelligence (AI)

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