Molluscan Communities of Laguna Madre, Texas: Man's Impact

by Terry C. Allison, Pan American Univ, Edinburg, TX, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '87


The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that due to human intervention the two parts of the Laguna Madre now differ in molluscan species composition and the most heavily-impacted half has a closer resemblance to nearby coastal bays. Data taken from a group of studies on Laguna Madre and nearby coastal bay molluscs only partially support the hypothesis. The two lagoons are very dissimilar in molluscan species composition but the more heavily-modified southern portion is almost equally dissimilar in this regard to the coastal bays. The conclusion is proposed that the difference between the two lagoons is due to a general lowering of salinity in the southern half as a result of man-induced ecosystem modification. The dissimilarity of the southern Laguna Madre and the coastal bays could be due to an even lower salinity and differences in sediments and climate.

Subject Headings: Bays | Salinity | Light rail transit | Lagoons | Human and behavioral factors | Fish and fishery management | Sediment | Texas | United States

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