Management of Microcomputer Systems

by Steven D. Friederich, US Army Construction Engineering, Research Lab, Champaign, IL, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Computing in Civil Engineering


This paper is primarily concerned with the day-to-day management of microcomputer-based systems before, during, and after acquisition. Topics covered include areas overlooked by organizations pursuing automation. Specific areas covered are acquisition methods, training, maintenance, space, furniture, power requirements, Local Area Networks, system configuration, delivery methods, requirements gathering, long-term goals, and management philosophy. Each of these categories is discussed in general terms. Problems are pointed out, and paths to solutions to those problems are explored. Diagrams and tables are included to illustrate key points.

Subject Headings: Computing in civil engineering | Systems management | Training | Management methods | Computer software | Automation and robotics | Organizations

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